No pictures today. Our camera is broken. :( Due to an unfortunate accident involving water and fun our D50 camera is fried. Seriously, it is. It started to smoke when I tried to get it to work last. I'll have to charge my camera for pictures for now. It's a pretty good point and shoot, just has a delay.
Mami Elia is here! Well, not here, but in N.Y. She'll be here soon. Can't wait to have some Mami Elia time. Maybe she can teach the kids some spanish since I haven't.
I think I'm going to make some flashcards for Olivia to practice with when she comes home from school.
Just 9 days and Olivia is out for summer! Kindergarten has been conquered! Kind of sad.
Was gonna clean the living room while Luke slept in this morning, but Nathan kept on saying" a'mon mom, mom". A'mon is come on and mom, mom is Mommy. So after a few a'mons followed by his trying to pick me up and pull my shirt I gave in and played Thomas for 30 minutes with him. Peer pressure. :)
Luke is crawling pretty good and likes to be stood up so he can play with the stand up toy.
Still haven't lost more than 2.5 pounds. Kind of frustrating since I've given up sweet teas, eating after 8, joined W.W., and work out 4-5 days a week. Oh, well. Gotta be patient.
Want an iphone. I know, I don't need one. The commercials are SO good.
Dreaming of the day when our house stays clean and the boys go to the bathroom on their own.
Wishing I had some frozen yogurt, a cool bike with a kid cart in the back, and a trip to the beach in the works.
Gotta go A'mon is calling me....