What a sweet day we had celebrating our country's birthday! 235 years old! So young compared to so many other countries. So many accomplishments in such a short time. Some as Christians we can't be proud of. However, there are many to uphold and see to it that we continue for the sake of our future generations.
It is so late and I am so tired. Often I don't update the blog anymore because I am so tired or can't find the camera cord so I put it off for the next day. The next day arrives, but it brings with it more fun, pictures, and memories. Looking back at some of my older posts I am so thankful I was committed to journaling the year I stayed home with the kids. Then I see where I slacked off when I went back to work almost 2 years ago and I wonder how many precious moments I've already forgotten.

So I've decided to journal our day's events whether I am ready with pictures or not. There are so many little things that the kids say or do that I don't want to forget. It's the little things that make our life so rich. Making flour stars all over our driveway with all three kids.

Luke shouting "Whoa! Did you see that, Mom and Dad?!" EVERY time a firework was super loud or colorful. The kids flying their 4th of July paper airplanes. Watching Greg try and make a red, white, and blue drink. Paper lanterns Olivia and I made looking so beautiful with the tea-lights burning wondering at what point they might catch fire...only one did. ;) Sweet Luke running when Greg set off a bottle rocket and torn between going back for his lost flip flop or staying away from the flying bottle rocket. Nathan climbing into my lap towards the end of the neighborhood fireworks display @ 10:15 p.m. ready to go back in the house to sleep.
These and so many more little "things" are the reason I am going to try my best to blog every day. Life goes by so quickly and so much happens in such a short time. I don't want to forget any of it!
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